Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
CertificationEBIREBIR Italian-language version

EBIR Italian-language version

In line with our ongoing commitment to increasing the accessibility of the EBIR examination, CIRSE is now extending its portfolio of language versions by offering the EBIR examination in the Italian language, in collaboration with SIRM – Interventional Radiology Section.

The examination is based on the European Curriculum for Interventional Radiology and covers all fields of vascular and non-vascular interventions as well as interventional oncology. An Italian version of the Curriculum is available for download here.

E’ con grande entusiasmo e soddisfazione che tutti noi abbiamo accolto l’accordo tra SIRM e CIRSE circa la possibilità di sostenere l’EBIR in lingua italiana.
Siamo sicuri che tale decisione favorirà il diffondersi di questa certificazione in quanto, al di là della oramai onnipresente conoscenza della lingua inglese,il poter sostenere un esame nella lingua nativa, mette a proprio agio qualsiasi candidato ed invoglia molti ad acquisire questo importante titolo.
Siamo certi di interpretare il pensiero di molti Radiologi Interventisti che si candideranno già dalla prima edizione.
I express my full support and enthusiasm for CIRSE's decision to offer the EBIR in the Italian language. This great achievement is representative of the continuous growth and development of this certification over time, and reflects CIRSE's ongoing commitment to collaborate with national societies, broadening the reach of the EBIR. I believe it will greatly benefit all the Italian IRs who are aiming to certify their IR experience.

Registration is open for all CIRSE members who wish to sit the European Board of Interventional Radiology (EBIR) in the Italian language.

We would like to clarify to all candidates who would like to avail of this option that only the examination content will be in Italian. Due to the international nature and recognition of the examination, application, examination software, feedback, appeals and any correspondence with the CIRSE office will be carried out in English.

An Italian translation of the Marks & Standards document is available for download and contains information on the examination format, marking, results, and the appeals process of the EBIR.

We invite you to browse our EBIR pages to find information on:

To apply for the EBIR examination, please complete the application form and ensure that you have all the necessary documents outlined in the entry criteria & application section ready to upload.