Incoming evidence and open debates
Monday’s “Best at ECIO: incoming evidence for liver tumours” session included two presentations on HCC-related trials.
First, G. Verset presented on the BIOPEARL-ONE trial, which is a prospective, single arm, multi-centre, post market clinical follow-up study looking at BioPearl™ resorbable drug-eluting microspheres loaded with Doxorubicin for transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) of HCC. The primary endpoints of the trial are the technical success and safety of the TACE procedure with Doxorubicin-loaded BioPearl™microspheres. The data is expected to point to Doxorubicin-loaded BioPearlTM microspheres being safe and effective for the treatment of unresectable HCC and potentially allowing multiple sequential TACE-procedures due to the recanalization of arteries.
J. Erinjeri presented on mRECIST outcomes in EMERALD-1. EMERALD-1 is a phase 3, randomized, placebo-controlled study of transarterial chemoembolization plus durvalumab with/without bevacizumab in participants with embolization-eligible unresectable HCC. This study concludes that Durvalumab combined with Bevacizumab and TACE significantly improved progression-free survival in comparison to TACE in participants with embolization-eligible uHCC. This supports Durvalumab+Bevacizumab+TACE as a potential new standard of care in uHCC.
The last HCC-focused session of the congress honed in on open debates in modern HCC treatment. A. Vitale began the session reviewing the current staging systems of HCC, speaking to the strengths and limitations of BCLC staging and proposing alternatives.
Further talks in the session concerned biopsy, advanced stage downstaging, the question of TARE or SBRT for radiation therapy, and where and why systemic treatment fails.
M. Ronot closed out the session with a hot topic for all of IO in a talk titled “AI and HCC: a happy marriage?” He reviewed current AI developments and how AI could guide decision-making and treatment planning in the future. He cautioned that there are many hurdles that must be overcome before AI can be extensively used in daily practice. “It’s going well…” he concluded “but the marriage has not been pronounced yet!”