
Fight HCC1–4 and preserve liver function5 with DSM-TACE

1. Orlacchio A et al. 2020. Radiol. Med. 125(1):98–106. 2. Mohr I et al. 2022. J. Cancer. Res. Clin. Oncol. 148(11):3163–3174. 3. Minici R et al. 2021b. Front. Pharmacol. 12:634087. 4. Minici R, et al. 2021a. Front. Pharmacol. 12:634084. 5. Ludwig JM et al. 2021. Cancers.13(20):5122. 6. Data on file: Product file of EmboCept® S DSM 50 μm. 7. Haubold J et al. 2020. Rofo. 192(9):862–869. 8. Magle Chemoswed AB. EmboCept® S DSM 50 μm Instruction for use. Date of information: 15.05.2020.

Intended Use / Indication For Use: EmboCept® S DSM 50 µm suspension for injection is an adjuvant in the intra-arterial treatment of inoperable liver tumours and lung tumours in combination with cytostatic agents, the aim of which is to optimise the intra-tumoral drug accumulation. Consult the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of indications, contraindications, side effects, warnings, and precautions.



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EmboCept® is a registered trademark of Magle PharmaCept GmbH.
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